Indian actress Krithika Annamalai has primarily worked in the Tamil and Telugu film industries. She achieved further acclaim in the Pandavar Illam Serial. She made her initial breakthrough with Metti Oli before moving on to the Telugu film business. She appeared in the Telugu film Mettala Savvadi. As of 2022, Krithika Annamalai was 37 years old. She was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in 1975. At the Chennai Girls Higher Secondary School in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, she received her education. She later finished college in Chennai. At the moment, Krithika resides in Chennai. Krithika appeared in several serials, including Kalyana Parisu, Chinna Tambi, Maanada Mayilada, and others. She also had a guest appearance in one or more serials. Her horoscope is an Aquarius. She is performing in Pandavar illam right now.
Annamalai Serial Actress Names