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Material Science and Engineering from Basics to Applications: Smith PDF 117


The journal follows a single-blind peer review process and articles are typically sent to at least two independent reviewers for evaluation. Professional Publishing Editors and academic Associate Editors are equally responsible for peer review and associated editorial decisions. The team are guided by our Editorial Board who set the scientific standards and guidelines for the journal. Our Editorial Board are all leading scientists who together have expertise across the breadth of materials science.

A total of 117 research groups were evaluated. Descriptive characteristics of awarded Momentum grants are summarized in Fig. 1. Only grants already completed were included when assessing overall performance. An average grant holder in life sciences had 11.3 D1 publications and a yearly impact factor of 21.8. The mean number of D1 publications in material sciences was 10.7, and the yearly impact factor was 23.6. Almost half of the D1 papers were first/last author publications in both life sciences and material sciences (5.3 and 4.8, respectively). Aggregate publication indicators during the Momentum grant time are summarized in Table 1. A boost of 123 and 146% was observed in life sciences and material sciences, respectively, when comparing the mean of the cumulative impact factor in the first three complete years after grant award to the 3 years before the starting year of the grant. The boost for the number of D1 publications was also computed for the same period: the increase was 9 and 15% in life sciences and material sciences, respectively (in life sciences: 4.05 vs. 4.41; in material sciences: 3.73 vs. 4.28). Finally, when comparing the number of first/last author D1 publications between the last 3 years before and first 3 years after, an increase of 4 and 13% was observed in life sciences and material sciences, respectively (in life sciences: 1.65 vs. 1.73; in material sciences: 1.91 vs. 2.16).

material science and engineering smith pdf 117

The picture becomes much more colored if a string of different performance indicators is used and compared. The message still remains mostly positive. Group leaders already in a dynamically expanding phase were able to attain the most additional momentum. Impact factor has became subject to intense discussion in recent years. Our analysis, however, confirms its quality and merit in certain types of prospective assessments of scientific performance. Namely, our results have shown that the impact factor of the last 2 years before the Momentum grant was the most significant predictor of scientific output in both life sciences and material sciences. 2ff7e9595c

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